Bihar Budget 2015-16: Highlights
State Government of Bihar led by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on 12 March 2015 presented the state budget for the financial year 2015-16.

The overall size of the budget is 120685.32 crore rupees that includes plan expenditure of 57437 crore rupees and non-plan expenditure of 63259 crore rupees.

Key Highlights of the Budget 2015-16
• After registering double-digit growth rate in the past few years, the growth rate of Bihar declined to 9.92 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) in 2014-15. GSDP estimate is 455451 crore rupees for the year 2015 -16.
• The State has Revenue Surplus of 11980.95 crore rupees during 2015 - 16 which is 2.63% of GSDP.
• The Fiscal Deficit has been estimated at 13584.46 crore rupees which is 2.98% of GSDP for the year 2015-16.
• The Outstanding Public Debt is estimated at 89239.87 crore rupees in 2015-16 which is 19.58% of GSDP. 
• The percentage of Development expenditure and Non-Development expenditure in total expenditure is 68.28 and 31.72 respectively
• The percentage of Revenue and Capital expenditure in total expenditure is 75.58 and 24.42 respectively.
• The percentage of Non-Plan and Plan Expenditure in total expenditure for 2015-16 is 52.42 and 47.58 respectively
• A Consolidated Sinking Fund making provisions for repayment of loans has been created since 2008-09. It shall help the State in times of crisis to meet the debt obligations.  In the year 2015-16, 491.84 crore rupees is proposed to be invested in the Fund.

Department wise allocation for State Plan in Budget 2015-16

Name of Department   Plan Outlay (rupees in crore) Percentage total outlat
 Education                   10950.14                             19.16

Rural Works                5612.30                               9.82

Rural Development      5420.13                              9.49

Rural Construction      4856.22                               8.50

Social Welfare            4132.77                                7.23

Energy                        4058.60                               7.10

Health                         2372.00                              4.15

Agriculture                  2342.35                               4.10

Food and Consumer Protection  2121.63                     3.71

BC & MBC Welfare         1970.03                              3.45

Others                              13301.45                             23.28

Total                                57137.62                             100.00

Budget Estimates of 2015-16 in Brief:
• Total Expenditure: 120685.32 crore rupees
• Total Plan Size: 57425.73 crore rupees
• Total Non-Plan size: 63259.59 crore rupees
• Revenue Surplus: 11980.95 crore rupees (2.63% of GSDP)
• Fiscal Deficit: 13584.46 crore rupees (2. 98% of GSDP)
• State Own Tax Revenue:
a) Commercial Tax: 21375.00 crore rupees
b) Excise Duty: 4000.00 crore rupees
c) Stamp and Registration: 4000.00 crore rupees
d) Transport: 1200.00 crore rupees
e) Land Revenue: 300.00 crore rupees
• State's main Non-Tax Revenue
a) Receivable from Jharkhand State due for pension share's liabilities: 1600.00 crore rupees
b) Mines: 1000.00 crore rupees
c) Interest receipts: 312.13 crore rupees
d) Irrigation: 34.00 crore rupees
e) Other Non Taxes: 449.73 crore rupees
• Committed Expenditure
a) Salary - (i) Non-Plan: 17757.90 crore rupees (ii) Plan: 776.85 crore rupees
b) Pension: 12979.67 crore rupees
c) Interest: 7220.77 crore rupees
d) Repayment of Public Debt: 3895.28 crore rupees

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