"Tombs of 221 BC filled with ancient treasures unearthed in China"

china emperor
 "A series of tombs built thousands of  years ago, some filled with ancient  treasures, have been discovered by  archaeologists at a construction site  in China's central Henan Province.
 The archaeological site in Zhoukou  City's county-level Xiangcheng city,  consists of 21 tombs built thousands  of years ago, spanning from Warring  States Period (475-221 BC) and East  Han Dynasty (25-220), said Han  Yanzhen, a scholar at cultural  heritage institute of Zhoukou City.
Among them, 19 tombs are earth pit in shape and another two are brick-chambered tombs. Archaeologists said all but five tombs were damaged by robbers.
Lots of funeral paraphernalia including pottery, bronze wares and jewelry were found in the tombs, state-run Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday.
A well-preserved bronze sword was one of the rarer discoveries, said Han, adding that that it was well preserved due to the local soil conditions.
Archaeologists said the treasures in the tombs can help researchers to better study the shape and structure of tombs, culture and customs between Warring States Period and East Han Dynasty".

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